Hi Everyone !!
I am writing about what I have heard so far in my scrum master... But first, I want to thank Kanika Tover for hosting a Twitter space about scrum master. I never thought of being a scrum master till I realize the benefit of it. Scrum helps to create a significant rise in productivity and reduction in time within the company especially in tech ... You are probably wondering okay and then what ... Well let's first start ...with what is scrum and then I will continue with questions that have been asked.
What is Scrum?
Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams, and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. In simple terms, Scrum is a framework that helps teams work together.
Yay Team !
What is Scrum Based on frankly?
Scrum is based on empiricism, Scrum is based on the knowledge gained through observation of experiences and decision-making.
What are the Scrum Values?
Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, and Courage
What is a Scrum Team ?
A Scrum Team consists of 1 Scrum Master, 1 Product Owner, and Developers. Only 10 people or less in a Scrum Team as large groups can be a bit messy. They are cross-functional and self-managing meaning that everyone has all the skills to create value in any Sprint as we internally decide who does what, when, and how.
Breakdown of the Scrum Team
- Product Owner: Represent the stakeholders and is responsible for the product's outcome
- Scrum Master: The facilitator that ensures the Scrum team such as the product owner and developers follow the process they agreed on when creating a product or feature.
- Developer: Any professional that is responsible for creating the project deliverables(eg. Engineers that work on developing parts of a feature )
Scrum Framework Pieces
Sprint is a time-boxed time where the development team works to fulfill certain tasks.
Sprint planning is when Scrum Team comes together to outline the tasks that will be completed in the Sprint.
Daily Scrum is a 15 min daily meeting that is meant to help the team plan its work for the day and identify any potential problems they might have (e.g Daily Standup)
Sprint Review is an informal meeting held at the end of a sprint, during which the team shows what they have accomplished and stakeholders provide feedback.
Sprint Retrospective is an "improvement" meeting where the team reflects on the things that were done well and what needs to improve for the next sprint.
Scrum Artifacts are nuggets of information to describe the product being built, the steps taken to create it, and the actions taken during the project.
Product Backlog is a list that consists of new features, improvements to current features, bug repairs, infrastructure changes, and other tasks that the team has done to reach a given objective. In short terms, a list of all things done related to the development of the product.
- Product Goal describes a long-term objective or future state of the product.
- Product backlog refinement is a breakdown in much smaller chucks the product backlog items.
- Spring Backlog is a list of items selected from the product backlog to be worked on during the upcoming sprint.
- Sprint Goal is the objective to be accomplished during a sprint.
Increments is a tangible step toward the Product Goal.
Definition of Done is a list of task types that the team must be expected to complete successfully before declaring the work to be considered releasable.